General Earl Rudder Bronze Replica

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General Earl Rudder Bronze Replica


Mike Tabor Studio is now offering a 16in replica of General James Earl Rudder. The original sculpture is installed on Rudder Way at Tarleton University. Mike Tabor Studio will be donating a portion of the profits from the sales of “General Earl Rudder” to the Texan Corp of Cadets.

A visionary with common sense values. A man who lead others to exceptional achievement and whose service gave us an example of a true leader.

True leadership is defined as the ability to develop people and to help others reach their true potential. General Rudder invested in others. Trusting or maybe even knowing that they would rise to the challenge. He had the uncommon ability to inspire others because he knew that each adversity would give rise to great results. His Integrity, Leadership, Tradition, Civility, Excellence and Service would leave us with the knowledge that we too can live the

“Rudder Way”. 

By Mike Tabor

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